If you're out there you're vulnerable. People prefer to disappear in life, to repress their personality. That's not living. It's dying. I see them all over the place, the walking dead. -- GRACE JONES--
Being the wolrd's most luxurious brand is no mean feat and Gucci has being able to maintain this by constantly delivering top notch luxe products to feed their consumer demand. These bags are amazing and would definately be show stoppers but they are gonna fork you at least $600.
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600??? why shoes costs less then a bag?
ReplyDeletemy choice would be 1 and 3. xx
Great choice Ryder
ReplyDeleteYeah, I was wondering the same Ryder! However, I'd "invest" in bag #1 any day if I just had the money to splurge, haha!
ReplyDeleteThe first bag is beautiful!