If you're out there you're vulnerable. People prefer to disappear in life, to repress their personality. That's not living. It's dying. I see them all over the place, the walking dead. -- GRACE JONES--
This is one staple item for every man's wardrobe. Menswear has got the military as its strongest influence from times past. Sewing and dressmaking techniques were devloped by the military and a lot of other mens clothing were originally military apparel before being adopted to civilian wear. These shirts were first worn by pilots in the airforce and i must say its one shirt design that's going to be around way long after you and i are both gone from this planet. They are timeless and always appear on the fashion radar each year so investing in this would be one wise investment decision even in these hard financial times.
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These ARE timeless and are great basics in any wardrobe. I knick the hubby's regularly ;o)
lol Marian!!!! it's cool but dnt get it smeared with lipstick or makeup ok :o).. thanx for stopping by