If you're out there you're vulnerable. People prefer to disappear in life, to repress their personality. That's not living. It's dying. I see them all over the place, the walking dead. -- GRACE JONES--
Gone are the days of bulky and huge ties that once proliferated the office place and streets. The du jour thing is skinny ties. I've got great ties that cost me a lot of money during my university days but as things began to change and the fashion cycle continued rotating back to 70's era skinny/slim ties,they became obsolete. I've given most of them away but i still have one or two that have an additional sentimental value. I see a lot of young dudes especially African American who after putting a whole lot of effort and flair into their outfit still get it wrong with the tie. Come on guys take those big chunky things out of your wardrobes to your basement and invest in two to three good skinny/slim ties.
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