If you're out there you're vulnerable. People prefer to disappear in life, to repress their personality. That's not living. It's dying. I see them all over the place, the walking dead.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Stunts & Shows: Will Obama's Camp Continue With Dignity?

As the weeks narrow down to the 2008 Presidential Election, the media is having a field day with all the back-handed accusations being made about Democratic Candidate, Barack Obama. Things are getting heated and the children are pulling out their best tricks.

Roland Martin, author of Listening to the Spirit Within: 50 Perspectives on Faith and Speak, Brother! A Black Man's View of America views recent slander direct towards Barack Obama like:

Watching Sen. John McCain and top Republicans swing wildly in their
attempts to slam Sen. Barack Obama, with less than two weeks ago to go before
Election Day, is like watching an old fighter --clearly out of gas, his legs
turned to rubber, and all he can do is grab, hold, punch behind the back, just
anything to try to win.

It's clear that this race is no longer about political issues and what the candidates can bring to this nation come January. In fact, it's almost embarrassing to even think of what foreign nations think of us as a nation.

In the past two weeks, we've seen Minnesota Republican Rep. Michelle Bachmann make one of the most audacious statements ever, suggesting that Obama holds anti-American views, that other members of Congress have the same views, and that the media should launch a widespread investigation to ferret them out.

Who gives her the right to primitively attempt to define what being "American" is? How can one truly know when so many factors, due to government, impede on the "American Dream?"

On the other hand, you have McCain and Palin slamming Obama for essentially being a socialist. We shouldn't be surprised that it's come to this because we already had radio hosts like Lars Larson, Glenn Beck and others trying to paint Obama for months as being a Marxist.


Seriously, when will this stop? I can't be the only one who understands that crass accusations will not divert the attention away from the main thing wanted by the American people: Change. And statistics are proving that most people ::keeps fingers crossed:: have made up their mind as to which route to travel as we all journey on this road to progression.

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