If you're out there you're vulnerable. People prefer to disappear in life, to repress their personality. That's not living. It's dying. I see them all over the place, the walking dead.

Monday, November 3, 2008

They Said WHAT?!: Soulja Boy Tells Em'

I remember standing in line last week waiting to vote and there standing with me were two very informed young brothers from Morehouse College. We all noted how so many of the black youth in Atlanta had showed up that day, but I distinctly remember stating how proud I was of our overall support, HOWEVER, I didn't want to know half their reasons as to why they were showing up in large support of Obama!
I think it's a shame if you can only vote because you feel that Obama will someone how be the "Black President." Or that he "understands our people." While he does have a great understanding, one can't limit it to understanding one demographic---and that's why he's running for President of The United States of America.

This mess that has recently surfaced about Soulja Boy really illustrates what I meant while waiting to vote. With the great responsibilities we, as a people, have gained and WILL gain because of this election, we can't afford to exploit ourselves like this young Brotha has done.

Toure’s (of BET) recently spoke with Soulja Boy on The Black Carpet and this is what unfolded:

He asked him, “What historical figure do you most hate?” Soulja Boy was stumped.

Toure stated “Others have said Hitler, bin Laden, the slave masters…”

Soulja Boy Replied, “Oh wait! Hold up! Shout out to the slave masters! Without them we’d still be in Africa...we wouldn’t be here to get this ice and tattoos.”


  1. yeah it really is....and this is one ignorant [brotha]

  2. WOW.....All i can say is...he is young...

    and naive...

  3. I wish I could pass it off as being "young"....but I will agree with the naive part....Daniel you're kind I see! LoL....


[Pennies] 4 Ur Thoughtz